In July this year, I had the opportunity to give a lecture on arrays and networks in seismology for an online graduate student summer school run by the AGU Seismology Section. The lecture was one of a series of talks by various speakers on different aspects of seismology, all of which are being posted online and should hopefully be a resource for others. The class was on Zoom – something we’re all now much more familiar with than a year ago – which is bittersweet, as it’s always better to see people in person, but it does enable easy collaboration with people around the world.

In my lecture, I briefly explore the history of arrays and networks in seismology, look at emerging trends, and compare and contrast some fundamental ideas about how to process data from these two different types of groups of sensors. I work in a department with a strong history of research in these areas: one of the original World Wide Standardized Seismograph Network (WWSSN) stations was in our basement, and my colleagues continue to operate both arrays and networks for different purposes. Part of the fun in putting the lecture together was learning about some of this history.
My lecture can be found at this link:
I also prepared a set of notes and hands-on data exercise that go with the class, and can be downloaded on GitHub: